John D. Magrath: The 10th Mountain Division’s first Medal of Honor recipient John D. Magrath made a significant mark in the history of the 10th Mountain Division as…
Audie L. Murphy: The most decorated soldier in American history Audie Murphy was the youngest and most decorated American soldier of World War II. He is…
Roy Benavidez: The Green Beret Who Defied Death and Became a Legend Roy Benavidez was a member of the United States Army Special Forces. He was awarded the…
LT. Jason Redman: Navy SEAL who survived deadly al-Qaeda ambush The life of a U.S. Navy SEAL is tough, and it will lead you to dangerous…
Hugh Thompson: The Forgotten Hero of My Lai Hugh Thompson was a United States Army Major and a former warrant officer in the 123rd…
Sgt. Maj. Thomas Payne as “one of the bravest men anywhere in the world” U.S. Army Sgt. Maj. Thomas Payne was presented the Congressional Medal of Honor by President Donald…
Mike Day: Perfectly Wounded The story of Mike Day is one of the most remarkable in modern Special Operations Forces…
Ephraim Mattos: Former Navy SEAL sniper in Battle of Mosul The global war on ISIS is over, but the memories are still fresh. In the following…
From Delta Force operator to 4-star General Austin Miller is an American 4-star general and legendary Delta Force captain who led Delta Force…
Jocko Willink: Commander of famous Task Unit Bruiser Jocko Willink is a former Navy SEAL and book author. He was born John Gretton Willink…
Kevin Holland served both in Seal Team 6 and Delta Force MSG Kevin Holland is the only publicly known operator who served in DEVGRU (SEAL Team 6)…
The Army Ranger who became a bank robber Luke Sommer is a former United States Army Ranger who became publicly known as a bank…
Barry Sadler: The story behind The Ballad of the Green Berets In the heart of the turbulent 1960s, amid the chaos of the Vietnam War, a timeless…